Annick Bouvattier is a painter originating from France. Her majority of paintings show women taking abode in their empty apartments. The way this can be intercepted is totally upto the reader and their imagination.
A little (or not so little) about Annick Bouvattier:
At the beginning of 1990, she decided to turn to painting exclusively.
After two years of self-training, she became in 1992 the pupil of Pierre Ramel, Mac Avoy’s disciple and bursar who taught her the technique of using a knife to paint with oil, which she uses in smoothed out form to achieve an effect of transparency.
After two years of self-training, she became in 1992 the pupil of Pierre Ramel, Mac Avoy’s disciple and bursar who taught her the technique of using a knife to paint with oil, which she uses in smoothed out form to achieve an effect of transparency.
Annick Bouvattier painted women, often alone, in almost empty flats, but furnished mainly by shadows and light. Young, pretties, they live their femininity without false modesty, unconcerned by the looks of others.
If you wish to see more of her work, please visit her portfolio on: